Tuesday, August 23, 2011

the art of multitasking

Today was one of those days. Too much to do, not enough time. As I rushed around this morning, trying to clean before my out of town family arrived, I started thinking about all the multitasking I do (and you probably do too) without even realizing it.

The morning went like this: feed baby while eating breakfast myself, start a load of laundry while feeding the dogs, do a load of dishes while entertaining baby with ridiculous singing and dancing, put away load of dishes while holding baby who was no longer interested in my singing and dancing but insisted on being held, change baby's diaper while talking to grandma on the phone, and finally put baby down for nap. And I only have one kid, I know the multitasking increases with each additional child. Whew!

So to help myself, and anyone else interested in getting more done in less time so you can, oh I don't know, actually drink a cup of coffee before it gets cold or maybe have a few extra minutes to paint your nails or check your email, here are a few tricks I've learned to get it all done and get it done fast.

Cleaning the bathroom- Keep a sponge and some baking soda handy. Next time you take a shower, take the sponge and soda with you. Do a quick scrub of the shower walls and tub, rinse off and get out. Throw some baking soda in the toilet, let it sit while you dry off. Scrub with a toilet brush and flush. Keep a container of (non-toxic) wipes under the sink, after you're done with your hair and makeup, wipe down the counter top, sink, and rest of the toilet. Done. Instead of a big chore you dread tackling, its done before you even realize you did it. Admittedly this works best when you keep the clutter off the counter and put away, its a little time consuming when you're moving every piece of makeup, hair tool, and perfume bottle you own.

Cleaning the kitchen-Next time you're cooking dinner, why not do a little spring cleaning as you cook. While you're waiting for the water to boil for the pasta, wipe down the front of your cabinets with a warm wet rag/dishtowel. Add a tiny dab of dish soap if they're especially grungy. When you take the vegetables out for a salad, instead of taking out just what you need, take everything out, do a quick wipe of the crisper drawer and then put back what you aren't using. After doing the dishes, sprinkle baking soda (seriously it's great for everything!) in the sink, scrub for a minute and rinse. If you're making something that requires standing at the stove and stirring, organize the drawer closest to the stove while you stir. 

I realize there are those who oppose the art of multitasking, saying it actually causes a person to do more but do it poorly. I disagree. There are of course times when you should focus on one thing and one thing alone. Such as driving, talking to your significant other, listening to a story your little one is telling you, or while doing anything remotely dangerous like chopping vegetables or frying anything in hot oil. (Learned that lesson the hard way.)

But when it comes to cleaning, multitasking is the way to go. If you have any tips on how to get more done in less time, leave them in the comments! Its time for this multitasking mama to hit the sack.:)

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