Monday, August 29, 2011

read this before your next pedicure..

Day 6:  Before I face the harsh reality that summer is almost over, and the fact that my toes will be hidden in socks and boots before long (insert sad face here) I want to really make the most of what warm weather we have left. But as I pulled out my nail polish stash, I stopped to think about whats in these bottles of polish with names like "City Pretty Rose", "Its Bouquet with Me", and "Mint Sorbet".

I've read several articles about the unhealthy chemicals found in many popular nail polish formulas but I admit I usually forget about that when looking for a new color and buy the cutest one I see. What makes this even trickier is most companies do not print an ingredient list on the label, or if they do it's printed so small you need a magnifying glass. (Think they do this on purpose?)  I did some research on the brands I have, I was able to find most ingredient lists online.

Here's some info on the top 3 chemicals recent studies have shown to have seriously toxic effects: 

1. Formaldehyde. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. "Based on eight cases, a significant excess mortality from nasopharyngeal cancer was observed among formaldehyde exposed workers in comparison with the national population."

2. Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP). This chemical has been linked to reproductive issues in children whose mothers were exposed while pregnant. It is a suspected endocrine disruptor. Endocrine disruptors are substances that "interfere with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for development, behavior, fertility, and maintenance of homeostasis (normal cell metabolism)." This should be avoided in all products, not just nail polish. It's used to make rain boots, shower curtains, etc. Anything extra flexible. Good reason to look closer at the ingredient/product list on everything you buy.

3. Toulene. According to Wikipedia, "Toluene should not be inhaled due to its health effects. Low to moderate levels can cause tiredness, confusion, weakness, drunken-type actions, memory loss, nausea, loss of appetite, and hearing and color vision loss. These symptoms usually disappear when exposure is stopped. Inhaling high levels of toluene in a short time may cause light-headedness, nausea, or sleepiness. It can also cause unconsciousness, and even death." Obviously the small amount in your nail polish probably won't kill you, but why inhale even a little bit of something so toxic?

The good news is most nail polish companies have either begun to or completely removed these chemicals from their products. However, when I looked at specific manufacturers product information I found one that said "No Formaldehyde, DBP, or Toulene." But in the ingredient list of one particular color it still listed Formaldehyde resin. False advertising much?

Bottom line, always check ingredient lists when available, and stick to manufacturers you know absolutely do not use these chemicals. Zoya Nail Polish for example is touting their new line of nail polish as Formaldehyde, DBP, Toulene and Camphor free as well as Vegan friendly. (No animal by-products of any kind.)

Here's to making the most of the last few weeks of summer! I'm going to do it with pink fingertips and minty green toes. :)

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