Thursday, August 25, 2011

how to get rid of ants without poisoning yourself

Have you ever opened your cupboard or pantry and seen an ant? Just one but you know he has friends. There is nothing worse than finding one, then another, then another, and then realizing they have found their way into a box of cereal or bag of cookies. When I was home on Maui visiting my brother a few years ago I had left a few papayas on the kitchen counter and went to bed. I came into the kitchen for water in the middle of the night and there was a literal army of ants surrounding my papayas. Ugh! Fortunately we don't have quite as many here in the high desert but they still make their presence known. Here's a how to guide for getting rid of pesky ants without spraying poison in the house, laying traps that kids and dogs might get into, or my brothers method-ignoring them.

1.Prevention. Keeping food off the counters, boxes closed tightly, and bags sealed up will deter the ants from coming in the first place. Wipe down counters with a 50/50 solution of white distilled vinegar and water to get rid of any crumbs or spills that might attract ants.
*Green Tip- go to  for lots of other great ways to use vinegar around the house.

2. Keep a Tight Ship. Or house I should say. Replace old weather stripping, caulk around exterior doors and windows, and replace any screens that have holes or bent frames that might be allowing ants and other bugs easy access. For a great how to tutorial on caulking go to

3. Put Them On a Diet. A cornmeal diet that is. Ants cannot digest cornmeal so they eat it and die a short time later. Try small piles of cornmeal outside where you see a collection of ants. I did this yesterday. I checked back this morning and there were several dead ants. This is not a quick process, but very easy and no risk to kids or pets. (My dogs sniffed the cornmeal and moved on but had they chosen to eat it it's harmless in small amounts unless the dog has a corn allergy.) If you don't keep cornmeal in the house, consider doing so. Its great for adding crunch to rolls and homemade bread and can even be used as a carpet deodorizer!

4. Spray Them Away. Put away the can of toxic bug spray. *Green Tip: All you need is a bottle of essential clove oil, distilled water, and a small spray bottle. Fill the bottle halfway with the distilled water and add 5-10 drops of clove oil, shake well to mix. Spray anywhere you see ants. Clove oil is a natural ant repellant. It is also a natural cleaning and antiseptic oil. (Although not a chemical, still a good idea to keep out of reach of children.) You can find clove oil at most health food stores.

And that's it. Four easy ways to get rid of and prevent ants in and around the house. In the coming weeks I'll post more about all natural ways to get rid of other pesky bugs and critters.

Green Tips Shopping List:

Distilled White Vinegar
Cornmeal (Found in the baking aisle)
Essential Oil of Clove  (Found at most health food stores)

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